The Shoes of Summer

Before you read any further, can I ask if you know about my contest? I’m giving away two books to randomly-chosen commenters, but you need to go hereand leave a comment. When you’re done, though, be sure to come back and join our shoe talk . . .
I can’t believe how optimistic I appear to have been, buying summer sandals as if I’d have ever so many days of sipping G&Ts in sunny backyard parties or strolling along sunny Robson Street window-shopping or kicking up my heels, floating a long sundress beside the beach . . . you get the idea. In fact, after I bought the silvery Anne Kleins back in April, we got weeks and weeks of dull, rainy weather, and now I’m thinking it was all down to my shoe-buying!
This pair of Cydwoq sandals (called Travel!) is a pair I first resisted but then went back for. I did get to wear them a few times in Paris and in Lisbon, although in the latter, especially, I had to take care that the heels didn’t get caught in the gaps between the cobblestones. I love the rich bronze-y croc finish and the quirky shape of the sole/toe, but I have to admit that I’m a bit disappointed with a (perceived, at least) instability of the heel which makes these not so great to walk very far in.
And isn’t it just sometimes the way . . . If I’d waited ’til I found these Kenneth Cole Reaction sandals — $60 at Winner’s!! — I probably wouldn’t have needed either of the other pairs. Having, for the most part, resisted the platform/wedge combination in its recent, extended, incarnation (because I’m nervous when I can’t clearly feel contact between toes/heel and ground), I love these for their summer freshness and simple good looks (imho). The straps are leather and the base is completely natural cork with some sort of composite sole so they are exceptionally comfortable, almost as good as my Birks 😉 And by the time I found them a few weeks ago, we’d finally moved into some warmer weather (altho’ nothing like you poor folks back East, where my daughter is suffering from the killing combination of heat and humidity). The eagle eye of a knitting reader like Sknitty will have spotted the teaser at the left, above, and perhaps even recognized it. Indeed, I have finished my Indigo Ripples skirt, and it’s coming with me this weekend — perhaps I can even find someone to photograph it for me, altho’ my expectations for such an event always exceed the possibilities of its achievement!

So have you bought more summer sandals than you will have sunshine this year? Did you manage to wait ’til the summer sales brought you a great pair at a fabulous price? Do tell . . .


  1. jillian
    9 July 2008 / 3:32 pm

    No lie. I looked at the picture. I admired your sandals. I said “is that an Indigo Ripples skirt?”. No lie. 🙂

  2. materfamilias
    9 July 2008 / 5:00 pm

    Jillian: That’s hilarious. I knew you’d spot it; I just didn’t know how quickly — did you see that I posted at 7:25 and you commented at 7:32?!

  3. TheSundayBest
    9 July 2008 / 5:08 pm

    So YOU’RE the reason I have to wear sweaters in July!

  4. NancyDaQ
    9 July 2008 / 5:27 pm

    Oh yes, yes, yes!! And I buy them at full and sale price.

    I used to be able to wear them at work so I could justify all my fancy summer sandals. But they took that away from us this year, although I cheat and wear peep toed shoes sometimes. DF is quite casual so its a challenge getting dressed up enough to wear the sandals without looking like we’re going to two different places.

  5. Mardel
    9 July 2008 / 11:42 pm

    OH I have bought a couple of pairs, at prices ranging from reasonable to outrageous, but not as much as last year. Perhaps I have finally realized that I have more sandals than I will ever wear. For some reason sandals I seem to go overboard on the sandals and they occupy a disproportionate share of my shoe closet

    However, at the moment I am thankful to have them, and would happily send you some of the warm weather.

  6. materfamilias
    10 July 2008 / 2:11 am

    Thomas: Sorry, sorry, but at least you’ll have great-looking sweaters, no?
    Nancy: Have you seen those wonderful Louboutin peep-toes Mardel was showing off recently? Ruby patent, mmmmmm. And I know what you mean about looking as if you’re going for dinner at the same restaurant as one’s partner — for me, any occasion is an excuse to dress up, especially shoe-wise. Not the case with Pater!
    Mardel: Alright, send it over. The good weather, that is, not the cache of sandals. (I’ll just take the Louboutins off your hands, er, feet 😉

  7. Anonymous
    10 July 2008 / 9:06 am

    Oh, I’m envious – your commenters are a well-shod lot! I am long overdue for new sandals, the problem is I haven’t seen anything I like. Well, I would like to get some Campers, but they are quite expensive (obviously Louboutins are just not on my horizons). We saw lots of cute gladiator-style leather sandals in Greece, but the soles were really flat with no support or cushioning. The search goes on …. Patricia

  8. materfamilias
    10 July 2008 / 3:33 pm

    Patricia: Campers do a great job, don’t they? They are expensive, but then, they’d probably last you quite a few summers. I know what you mean about the flat soles — I find that intolerable for city-walking. Good luck in your search.

  9. Duchesse
    10 July 2008 / 11:40 pm

    Sandals are our way of fighting back (in this part of Canada) against a 7 month winter. Buying sandals is pyschologicaly different than buying closed shoes, a vote for freedom.

  10. materfamilias
    10 July 2008 / 11:46 pm

    Duchesse: So buying them shouldn’t even count, budget-wise, then? After all, one is voting for freedom, not spending on shoes . . . I’ll buy that!

  11. Anonymous
    11 July 2008 / 8:21 pm

    last year I cleaned out my closet and thought it would be a great idea to storage my sandels.(this way it wouldn’t look like I had too many shoes) This season I bought 3 new pairs before remembering about the stored sandals!! I think a great idea would be to storage my fall shoes now don’t you???

  12. materfamilias
    11 July 2008 / 11:56 pm

    Hilary: Hilarious — what a great excuse for over-sandal-shopping! And yes, better get those fall shoes into storage right now.

  13. Anonymous
    13 July 2008 / 6:33 am

    cute wedges! i saw those at your place when we were over and wondered if you’d notice if they went home with me 😉

  14. badmomgoodmom
    23 July 2008 / 6:20 am

    OK, I finally posted my favorite shoes of summer.

  15. materfamilias
    23 July 2008 / 2:17 pm

    Oh goodie – I’m heading over right now to check out the shoes.


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