Happy Birthday, Megan!

It’s this one’s birthday again, but she’s far away from me, in Toronto, where she’s cooking in the kitchens of a rather chic restaurant at an architectural hotspot (Torontonians such as Duchesse will probably guess, but I’d better not be too specific). I’d hoped to get out there this summer, but now I’m not sure this will happen, and I’m really missing my girl, especially as she marks another year. She’s such a brave adventurer and risk-taker, with Toronto the third place she’s headed off to in the last five years (she spent six months in Costa Rica, almost a year in Montreal), but I think with aunthood beckoning in the fall, she’s beginning to feel homesick. I know we’re all missing her, and I wish we were all together for one of our big family dinners, lots of wine, and an amazing cake. Her dad and I phoned this morning, but she was already at work, so we sang her Happy Birthday and hope she knows we’re thinking of her. Love you, sweetie — Have a lovely birthday, even if you’re sweating it out in a kitchen which intensifies Toronto’s humid heat!

The rest of you: Don’t forget to check out my Blogiversary Contest — there are prizes! but you must leave your comment by noon tomorrow, PST.


  1. Turtle
    10 July 2008 / 3:38 pm

    She is a true beauty! How nice though that she gets to travel and explore.

  2. materfamilias
    10 July 2008 / 4:19 pm

    Turtle: Nice to see you back here — meanwhile, I’ve had a peek at your blog and will be back to visit you again at the lake. Maybe I’ll bring some knitting . . .
    And yes, she is, isn’t she! (says the proud mama)

  3. Marji
    10 July 2008 / 5:19 pm

    What a lovely daughter. Congratulations to you for having raised such an adventurous soul.
    I found my way here by way of our mutual friend Mardel, who said something about you posting about Shoes…
    I’m on my way to see what you have to say about one of my many obsessions, but had to stop to comment on the birthday girl.

  4. Duchesse
    10 July 2008 / 10:53 pm

    Hmm. Was her birthday spent in a crystal? She is a soulful beauty and I’m guessing you were reminiscing about her birth, and celebrating the journey she’s made so far.

    My sons turned 21 on Wednesday- caipirinhas, mojitos and dinner on the rooftop bar of The Drake.

  5. materfamilias
    10 July 2008 / 11:44 pm

    Marji: All shoe-lovers welcome here. Ditto for friends of Mardel!
    Duchesse: you’re very perceptive, as I suspected you might be. My daughter says The Drake is supposed to be very hip, altho’ she hasn’t been there yet. But her boyfriend is surprising her with the restaurant tonight, so who knows?

  6. TheSundayBest
    10 July 2008 / 11:51 pm

    I see that adventuring runs in the family.

  7. materfamilias
    11 July 2008 / 5:42 pm

    thom: Meg’s left me far behind when it comes to adventuring!

  8. indigo16
    14 July 2008 / 11:53 am

    I guess the departure of children does not get any easier. I miss Daisy’s sense of balance and humour and it is only 2 weeks!

  9. materfamilias
    14 July 2008 / 7:06 pm

    Alison: Although I quite enjoy my empty nest, I do miss mine when they’re as far away as Megan is, and I can’t remedy the longing to see her with a quick trip. I’m hoping she’ll be much closer by the fall, and I’m thinking your Daisy will be as well, no?


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