And the winner is . . .Indigo Ripples!

Thank you so much for participating in my Blogaversery Contest. It was such fun meeting so many of you, long-time visitors and new ones. I’ve never had so many commenters before, and altho’ some of you may only have dropped by for the contest, I hope you’ll see something you like and come back to visit from time to time. And long-time readers who commented for the first time, it was great that you spoke up so that I could get an idea of who’s out there. I feel so lucky to have such interesting and lively people in my audience. I wish I could manage to give a prize to each one of you, but unfortunately, I did have to choose two. If Nancy (NanFlan) and Polly could e-mail me at fsproutATgmailDOTcom and give me your snail mail addresses, I’ll get the books in the mail as quickly as possible.

For the rest of you, though, I have pictures of my latest FO, Kat Coyle’s wonderful Indigo Ripples skirt. Sharp-eyed Jillian spotted this in my Sandals photo the other day, and indeed, it’s finished and very wearable. In fact, I wore it when I popped into my LYS on my way out of town on Wednesday, and the stitch-n-bitch group who were just finishing up were enthusiastic enough that I told Emily I thought I should get a commission on the Rowan’s Denim!

I’ve spent two full days in it (not consecutively, I’m not quite that enthralled) and I can testify to it holding its shape very well — no bum sag so far. Even if it does begin to loosen up, a toss in the washer and dryer will only make this skirt look better — it ages like real denim! And rather than properly blocking the lace at the bottom, a good steam-pressing does the trick.

I don’t know how well you can see the lace portion from here, but it’s very cute, especially with the ruffle on the bottom, and I’ve already got many compliments. One of my favourite knits this year.


  1. NancyDaQ
    12 July 2008 / 2:37 am

    Wow, I’m soooo thrilled that I’m one of the winners!!

    I love the new skirt. I made a vest out of some indigo yarn years ago. It colored by hands blue as I worked with it (crochet), but the final result was well worth it. As I recall, it was a Rowan’s denim also. Someday, I’ll buy more yarn and make something else with it. And I’ll also make another one of those vests–it was a Rowan pattern as well, and just wonderful.

    I’ll email you soon. I’m beside myself!

  2. jillian
    12 July 2008 / 4:59 am

    It’s de-lovely! You look sassy!

  3. jillian
    12 July 2008 / 4:59 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous
    12 July 2008 / 11:04 am

    I’m afraid the photos are a little dark, but I went to the link you gave and yes, the skirt is really cute!

  5. Mardel
    12 July 2008 / 1:23 pm

    The skirt is really cute an it looks lovely and fun to wear. I can get a hint of the lace in the photos, and can certainly imagine the detail, especially having seen the bit of lace in the shoe photo. I haven’t knit with denim yarn but am getting more and more intrigued.

  6. materfamilias
    12 July 2008 / 6:09 pm

    Nancy: Glad to make someone happy!
    Jillian: Thanks! Can’t get better than sassy.
    Patricia: Sorry about the quality of the photos. I didn’t want the flash wiping out the reflection in the mirror so just used available light — not quite enough. If I were on my home computer, I’d fiddle a bit with the photo to push a bit of light into it, but I’m not there now. Glad you could see it at the Interweave site, at least, altho’ I should say that the lace on mine doesn’t go nearly so high up the leg!
    Mardel: I’ll try to post a better photo later, but you’re right that you can see some of the lace in the sandals shot. I think you’d like working with the denim altho’ it does bleed, as Nancy says. My hands were blue regularly over the last few weeks (washes off easily, though).

  7. Gina
    12 July 2008 / 6:13 pm

    You love wonderfully sexy in a very casual and chic way. The skirt and scarf are a winning combination. The shoes — well, those always stand out a bit more for me.

  8. materfamilias
    13 July 2008 / 12:04 am

    Thanks Gina, that’s as good as Jillian’s ‘sassy’! — I can’t believe how wearable this skirt is; maybe you should get your knitting mojo back and whip one up.

  9. Duchesse
    13 July 2008 / 2:07 pm

    The holy grail, stylish and comfortable, and also unique- BRAVA!

  10. Susan B
    13 July 2008 / 4:39 pm

    “Sassy” just the right word. It looks fabulous on you!

  11. materfamilias
    13 July 2008 / 10:45 pm

    Duchesse: Thank you, yes, I feel as if it meets all those goals — imagine, I only finished it last Tuesday and I’ve worn it three times since!
    Pseu: Thank you — that “sassy” came from another Los Angelena! — you guys are good.

  12. Anonymous
    4 December 2009 / 1:18 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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