to get to Paris, I have to leave home!

I know that title seems foolishly obvious, but if you’re patient, I’ll try to explain the minor conflict I’ve been experiencing this week. I’m soon going to be sitting on chairs, at tables, as pretty as the ones displaying this florist’s wares (photo taken on our 2005 Paris trip)
And excited as I am — and I’m very, very excited — I am nonetheless feeling the odd anxiety and reluctance to travel that often hits before a big trip. I didn’t know others felt this way until I saw a post on Paris Breakfasts several months ago. Coincidentally, that postalso featured Paris cafe tables and chairs (and the cafes themselves, for that matter), and the blogger, Carol, who paints the most wonderful Parisian watercolours, talked about the reluctance to travel that always hits her two or three days before a trip.

I’m not sure where Carol at Paris Breakfasts usually relaxes, what weighs down her heels as she’s preparing to fly, but here’s one reason for my own heel-dragging. We’ve finally had a few warmer days (after an unseasonably cold spring) and I’ve been bringing my morning cuppa out to this Parisian-styled cafe table and chairs.

Well, if truth be told, I start out on a chair, but often shift down to sit in this perfect little seat at the top of the 3 stairs to the beach. The stones hold the sun’s heat and their shape seems molded for my back.
And here’s my view,
And I’m wondering why I’m going to leave, in just over a week. . . And I’m thinking of the many things I have to do before we’ll be ready. . . And I think of how unnatural it is to put so many thousand kilometres between ourselves and the people and places we love best. . .
But don’t worry. Once I’m on that plane next Wednesday, with the one I love, I’ll be ready to make the most of my time in a city I love and also ready to discover a whole new country, Portugal. Meanwhile, I’ve almost got the packing figured out. I’ll try to show you tomorrow.

I’m curious, though. Do any of you experience this kind of conflict before you travel?


  1. La Belette Rouge
    13 May 2008 / 4:54 am

    If that was where I lived I might never have gone to Paris. I can understand why it it hard to leave. But, look what you have to come home to. Le sigh!
    When I travel the main worry that comes up for me is leaving my beloved Inkey at home. But, this time he is coming with me.
    I am so excited about your trip. I look forward to each and every post.

  2. materfamilias
    13 May 2008 / 6:03 am

    I love your Gallic sighs, LBR. Lucky Inkey! Is that quite an undertaking, arranging to take him with you? Arranging pet-sitting is a concern here as well, altho’ I’m usually really lucky to have a neighbour take that on so our dog and cat can stay home rather than have to stay at a kennel.

  3. Anonymous
    13 May 2008 / 10:09 am

    Hm, you had me thinking there, but only for a second – the answer is no! I’m usually pretty glad to go on a trip, but then I have never had a ‘back yard’ as beautiful as yours. Having said that, I am usually pretty glad to come home too, if only to be around familiar things again. I also look forward to your posts about your trip. By the way, I came across a website,, which has some interesting ideas about packing. Patricia

  4. indigo16
    13 May 2008 / 2:25 pm

    Mostly I can’t wait to leave, but as eveyone has mentioned I do not have water lapping at my feet coupled with a beautiful view. However there is a lot to be said for a comfy bed and some familiarity, so maybe I will change.
    I once saw an episode of House where he told everyone he was going on holiday, he went home and watched a travel DVD instead!

  5. materfamilias
    13 May 2008 / 3:08 pm

    Patricia: that website does look useful, altho’ the fellow offering good advice is perhaps just a wee bit less concerned about style (and shoes!) than we are.
    Alison: That does sound like House.
    I think my foot-dragging has something to do with our trip always happening at a time of year that I can finally get caught up on projects that are put off during term. I have to-do lists everywhere right now.

  6. Anonymous
    13 May 2008 / 8:55 pm

    Before every trip I get what I’ve come to refer to as PVS: Pre-Vacation Syndrome. For me, the symptoms are a lot like PMS. Tension, crankiness, worry, absent mindedness… Leaving home is an emotional experience. What if I forget something? Will the cats be OK? As soon as I’m in the car, though, on my way out of town, the PVS lifts and I’m happy and excited about the trip again.

    By the way, I did manage to score a beautiful pair of Cydwoq shoes–on sale!–in Edmonton! They make me ridiculously happy.

    Have a great trip!!!


  7. materfamilias
    14 May 2008 / 3:40 am

    Karina: Yes! That’s what I mean, altho’ PVS sounds like some kind of plastic plumbing material, no? But all those symptoms, I have. And like you, they will dissipate as soon as I get through check-in at the airport next week.
    Ridiculously happy, eh? I’d love to know which shoes you scored. Don’t they feel great on? They’re really designed with real feet in mind.

  8. materfamilias
    14 May 2008 / 3:40 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous
    14 May 2008 / 9:02 pm

    The Cydwoqs I got are the “Instinct” style, with an adorable little ankle strap that closes with a button! I’m smitten. They’re super comfy, and I’ve had compliments on them every time I’ve worn them. But there are so many other great styles too that are calling me, not to mention the incredible bags…


  10. materfamilias
    15 May 2008 / 1:19 am

    I just checked those out, Karina — they’re gorgeous! No wonder you’re smitten. I’m assuming you got the black, ’cause I know you can be practical, but oooh, the red . . . (I have a thing for red shoes)

  11. Anonymous
    15 May 2008 / 3:31 pm

    Before I leave for holidays I always get emotional and anxious. My thoughts are usually, ‘is this holiday going to justify the expense and bother?’. I worry that it’s going to be a waste of time that I could be doing something ‘useful’ but of course thats all forgotten once the holiday starts.

  12. materfamilias
    15 May 2008 / 8:07 pm

    Cybill: This is exactly what I’m talking about — glad it’s not just me. Also glad we forget about it once the travel begins.


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