a quick report from Paris

Again, just a very quick update ’cause I don’t want to hog the hotel computer.
We’ve been walking, in sunshine and rain, at least 20 to 25 kilometres yesterday, most days 15-20. So I’m not worrying too much about calories!
We’ve seen some great exhibitions — today we managed to get to Centre Pompidou before the line-ups were too long, and we saw a very compelling expo of the work of Louise Bourgeois — I’ve got photos and will provide links to her bio when I get back. Disturbing, beautiful, difficult . . .
Loved the Art Shay photos we saw a few days ago at Galerie Loeb.
Enjoyed an expo of Kiraz’s Les Parisiennes, but their lightness was quickly counterposed by the photos of Parisienees during the Occupation. More later.
Paul’s still loving falafels at L’As du Falafel but now has a new favourite–Chez Hannah just down the street. Both on Rue des Rosiers in the Marais so while he’s waiting in line I’m being so tempted.
Resisting much temptation, though, for shopping, thanks to the size of my case, a carry-on. But today we walked up to Blvd. Hausmann and I popped into Galeries Lafayette (Paul stayed outside and people-watched, very patiently, he’s such a good guy) where I found 3 scarves for less than 50 Euros, les tous!!
Then we soothed our tired feet by sitting upstairs in Laduree with lovely pots of tea and a tarte framboise pour lui and a plate of mini macarons for me. If you haven’t had macarons at Laduree, put them on your life list. REally!
Oh, btw, we successfully purchased our train tickets yesterday, so Thursday we will be able to head quite confidently for Gare Montparnasse where we’ll take the TGV to Irun and then change trains for the Sud Express night train, in which we have a 1st class lit-voiture (So we’ll have our own sleeper rather than having to bunk above or beside or below four other folks — more fun when you’re young!)
Don’t let me forget to tell you about the jazz we caught, accidentally, last night, walking home along St. Germain from a great dinner at Le Petit Lutetia — a great trio, lots of energy, haven’t got the name with me right now, but I’ll tell you more later. Right now, it’s 9:45 p.m. and we’ve been out since 9:30 this morning, so time to head upstairs to our room. A bientôt


  1. Anonymous
    27 May 2008 / 8:22 am

    This post is chock-a-block with Paris tips, thanks! Have you been to Aimee’s cafe yet? I can’t wait to read the full reports when you get back. Happy walking! Patricia

  2. Anonymous
    28 May 2008 / 2:39 pm

    Wonderful. I already have Laduree on my life list and shopping at Galeries Lafayette ooh la la, you’re having such a good time aren’t you!

  3. Anonymous
    29 May 2008 / 6:27 am

    good luck with the train tomorrow!

  4. materfamilias
    29 May 2008 / 8:45 am

    Patricia: we had a wonderful time at Aimee’s — very different from Laduree, but wonderful tea, yummy food, and c’est bien chaleureux!
    Cybill: Yes we are!
    Bronwen: We got the tickets easily, so we’re hoping the rest goes just as smoothly. We’ve got a 1st class lit-voiture for the night-time part.

  5. Carl
    1 June 2008 / 1:09 am

    Glad you liked the photo exhibit. For more about Art Shay:


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