Happy Blooming Mother’s Day

Before I left for Vancouver this weekend, I shot these photos of some species tulips beside our pond and uploaded them to blogger so I’d be all ready to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.
Aren’t they gorgeous? The various species tulips bulbs that I’ve bought (and sadly, not recorded specifics of) have paid for their real estate many times over. Unlike the larger tulips which need applications of bone meal and other goodies, and which nevertheless fade into oblivion after a few years (at least in my garden they do), these smaller beauties naturalize and spread and they manage quite well with whatever nutrients are available.
Fall is not the best time for me to be working in the garden, what with the new term starting, to say nothing of the heavy fall rains around here, and I’m rarely organized enough to get the fall bulb planting done. But I’m so glad I found the time a few years ago to dig these guys in, and when I realize how happy they make me, I’m thinking I should make a special effort this fall to spread the love further.
These two seem to have wandered away from the main patch and are peeking out from under the geranium leaves.
Now I’d better go phone my mom and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. girlcook
    11 May 2008 / 4:57 pm

    Happy mothers day to the best!
    my mom is the most generous, thoughtful talented and intelligent mother out there hands down. A great coach, and awesome cheerleader. She picks me up every time I fall down and points me back in the right direction.I love her tons and and happy to be able to thanks her for all that she has done for me this year and every year for the last 25.
    Love you mom!

  2. NancyDaQ
    11 May 2008 / 5:46 pm

    Lovely tulips! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous
    11 May 2008 / 6:07 pm

    Happy mothers day to you too, materfamilias.
    If my daughter ever writes me a note like the one your daughter has written above, I would be a very happy and satisfied mother indeed. You’ve done well.

  4. materfamilias
    11 May 2008 / 7:48 pm

    Meg: You make it easy, sweetie. love you!
    Nancy: Aren’t they pretty!
    Cybill: Thanks — if I’d only known for sure, when they were at that poisonous-to-their-mom stage between 11 and 17, that they’d turn out to say such nice things, life would have been much easier! At least I am now able to be, as you say, a very happy and satisfied mother indeed.

  5. La Belette Rouge
    11 May 2008 / 7:55 pm

    Happy Mothersday, Materfamilias!!
    The note from your very sweet daughter is quite a gift and it says an awful lot about what a fabulous mother you are. You are both very lucky to have each other.
    And, those tulips are stunning. They are more beautiful than the flowers I sent to my mother. Gasp! And, I specifically told them no carnations and no chrysanthemums. But did they listen? No!!!!

  6. materfamilias
    12 May 2008 / 5:47 am

    lbr: thanks — she is a very sweet daughter and I’m very lucky.
    And I bet your mom loved the flowers just ’cause you sent them!


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