Paris and cycling

Over at La Belette Rouge, the countdown to Paris has our favourite weasel in a palpable state of excitement, and it’s contagious. After all, my trip begins a month before hers does: we leave on May 21st . So it won’t be long before I exchange this kind of sight, common on our island

for this. This photo and the one below it were taken by IndigoAlison while she traipsed the streets of Paris with her gorgeous young daughter last week. Alison’s artistic training is obvious in these evocative photographs — there are other lovelies in her Paris posts.

We won’t be riding bikes while we’re in Paris — we love walking and walking and walking while we’re there — but if even if we did, we probably wouldn’t look quite as chic as all the cycling fashionistas featured on Copenhagen Cycle Chic. I’ve been checking this site out for months now, having been alerted to it, I think, byCafé Mode, but the world will be flocking to their doorstep now that Blogger’s featured them.

Apropos of cycle chic, I was thrilled to have another of my-wee island neighbours tell me the other day that I brought a bit of Paris to the island. Apparently, she’d seen me biking along in a chic coat (my grey cashmere classic-cut, I love it!), wearing a beret, and thought I lacked only a baguette — now you and I might know that les femmes Parisiennes rarely sport berets, but I was very happy with the comment!


  1. Anonymous
    18 April 2008 / 7:43 am

    That was such a great thing for her to say. Does your bike also have a basket, you know, to carry your baguette?

  2. Anonymous
    18 April 2008 / 9:25 am

    What a sweet, lovely compliment! I always love to imagine bicycling around Paris, although when we are there we tend to walk and walk and walk, usually until we must stop and nibble something. Then we walk some more. But in any city I love I always dream of having a little place and shopping and cooking and yes, cities that encourage walking and biking always feed that fantasy.

  3. materfamilias
    18 April 2008 / 2:20 pm

    Cybill: I have a wire unit that comprises two baskets (panniers) over the rear wheel. But only occaionally are there baguettes in there!
    Mardel: You sound as if you travel like we do — in Paris, we regularly do 15 km. a day, sometimes 20, and we love it!

  4. La Belette Rouge
    18 April 2008 / 3:20 pm

    I would treasure that compliment the same way I do my Eiffel tower collection. That is a keeper! And, I so envy your Paris bike riding. I cannot ride a bike (sad but true) and I have long envied those who can do bike tours in France.
    Looking forward to all of your Paris reports and benefiting from all your tips.

  5. materfamilias
    18 April 2008 / 3:25 pm

    LBR: No need to envy — we don’t bike in Paris, but stick to walking. My only cycling for years has been here on my little island where there is very little traffic to contend with.
    And the countdown continues . . .


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