No root canal, shoes instead!

Well, you must all have crossed your fingers really tight (and Hilary’s prayers to St. Appolonia would have helped as well!). The endodontist checked me out yesterday and could see no clear indication that he should be digging at my roots. It’s all a bit odd because I had only mentioned to my dentist an occasional sensitivity when chewing, coupled with some cheek-sinus tenderness, and he claimed that the subsequent x-rays showed an abcess. Perhaps the two days of penicillin made such a dramatic difference that there was nothing for the endo-guy to see, but that seems unlikely, especially since I didn’t feel much difference. (although today I notice that the sinus-y tenderness is gone, so maybe that was the problem all along).

The endodontist agrees that the tooth in question is likely to need a crown at some point (huge filling, reconstructed a few years ago, but still . . .), and at that point, a root canal should be done. Meanwhile, he’s given me a prescription for antibiotics that I should bring with me “just in case” while we’re travelling. I’m going to finish off the penicillin for now and hope for the best, knowing that I’ve been as thorough as I can be — no point in looking a gift horse (no root canal — that’s a gift!) in the — No, wait, that doesn’t quite work, does it!

I’m having second thoughts, though, about a cavity I’m scheduled to have filled when I get back in June — my dentist’s been off for quite some time having a second corrective surgery on a broken wrist, and I’m not so sure, now, about this guy who’s doing the locum. But I’ll put off thinking about that ’til I get back.

Get back from where, you say? Oh, did I not mention I’m going to PARIS?! In less than a month?! Yes I am, and that’s why I bought these Cydwoq shoes (called Dust) last weekend at Gravity Pope in Vancouver. The picture above, taken from this website shows the colour best. The photo below, from this site, captures the feeling of the shoes, although it also rather validates some of the second thoughts I’ve had about the shoes since I’ve bought them: are they Paris-appropriate? Or will they be better for lounging around pastoral-woodsy scenes in flowy printed skirts?! They are very, very comfortable, and the thick, sturdy yet pliable leather soles provide considerable cushioning, but will they stand up to long days of walking? More importantly, did I ignore the truncating effect of those ankle ties to the eventual detriment of my chic-ness? When I was thinking I could wear them with jeans and skirts, I think I was right, but I’m not sure they’ll work with straight-ish, knee-length skirts, and they’re too flat for most of my jeans. I have a black silk below-the-knee flowy skirt that they’ll be perfect with (and that’s perfect for travel); they’ll work with the skinny jeans; they’ll be good with white denim capris. Perhaps that’s enough to justify their space in my little suitcase (and to justify their price — they’re much more than I usually spend, but I’ve coveted Cydwoqs for ages, based on the handcrafting and the beautiful funkiness of their design). I’m also thinking that if I found the right pair of wide-legged summery-weight pants (linen, light denim), they might work with those as well. Meanwhile, I do love wearing them, and perhaps that’s reason enough.Except that I can’t stop thinking about these sandals, appropriately named Travel, also by Cydwoq and wondering if I should have bought them instead . . .


  1. indigo16
    25 April 2008 / 4:23 pm

    Is Cydwoq Vulcan for heavenly shoes? for heavenly these are, how can you doubt that they would be perfect for Paris? everyone I saw wore flats (all that walking)I am V jealous. Bizarrely I too have dental problems/quandry which is whether to remove a wisom tooth or try root canal on it, plus do I remove and replace a lot of old amalgam for the princely sum of £2200! Oh yes just think how much shoe love that could buy.

  2. materfamilias
    25 April 2008 / 4:51 pm

    Thanks for the reassurance, Alison. After my post, I went and tried these on with a few of the outfits I’m planning to bring and I’ve quashed most of my doubts. Sincere sympathy re the dental problems. We’re fortunate enough to both have dental insurance plans through work, but there may be no insult greater than that of having to pay for the injury of dental work. Especially when you think in terms of shoes sacrificed! I had all that old amalgam replaced, quadrant by quadrant, two or three years ago, and I naively thought I’d be homefree for a few years (to be honest, I hoped decades!)

  3. Thomas
    25 April 2008 / 8:21 pm

    Rather than get jealous about Paris, which I already am, I’ll just congratulate you on briefly delaying dental hijinks, and on purchasing shoes from the excellent Gravity Pope.

    For anyone in Edmonton, their store is currently having a warehouse sale.

  4. jillian
    25 April 2008 / 9:06 pm

    Yay for no root canal!! I had all my amalgams replaced with composite in one sit a few years back – it sort of traumatized me. I couldn’t have any more Novocain and sometimes I could feel the drill. Eek.

    Those are awesome shoes. Funny, I just heard of Cydwoq for the first time the other day. They are $, but I bet they last forever!

  5. materfamilias
    25 April 2008 / 11:06 pm

    Thomas: That’s a tough store to leave! Very stressful for the decision-challenged!
    Jillian: Wow! I had that replacement work done over a number of sessions, but you’re not likely to have had quite as many old feelings as me. Still, all that sitting still plus feeling the drill, scary!
    And yes, I’m hoping that the $ will mean the shoes last forever.

  6. Susan B
    26 April 2008 / 3:03 am

    Congrats on the non-root canal! I’m still in the process of having all of my old metal fillings replaced, which has involved a lot of expensive porcelain crowns and inlays. I have to space the work out so as not to go over my yearly cap on the insurance benefits.

    Love, love, love those shoes. They are so YOU. And I think they’ll be fab for Paris! I’m getting very excited for you.

  7. Susan B
    26 April 2008 / 3:08 am

    Wow, Cydwoq is an LA-based company!

  8. materfamilias
    26 April 2008 / 5:43 am

    Pseu: I’ve had that replacement work done — what a lot of time and expense, never mind discomfort. Aren’t we lucky to have insurance? And thanks for the comments on the shoes. I’m wearing them this weekend, checking out their city-wearability. Yes, they’re out of LA — I was pleased with that, since there’s less risk I’ll find them cheaper in Paris or Portugal as might be the case with some of the Euro-brands.

  9. Anonymous
    26 April 2008 / 4:52 pm

    Oh, Cydwoq shoes! My very favourite. They are my tenure shoes…I will get a pair or five when I get tenure. Did you know that one of the designers at Cydwoq is an architect?

  10. NancyDaQ
    26 April 2008 / 6:04 pm

    Love both of the Cydwoq! The flats are cute and look very comfortable. The sandals–mmm mmm.

    Sorry about the dental travails. Hopefully that’s all behind me now, but I’ve been through a lot of the same. I hope all my crowns hold up for a long, long time.

  11. materfamilias
    26 April 2008 / 10:42 pm

    Anonymous — if that’s Karina, in Edmonton, did you notice what Thomas said about the Gravity Pope warehouse sale in your city? You might not have to wait for tenure!
    Nancy: Thanks, I know, I’m still mmmm-mmmm-ing about the sandals. Went back today to visit them, actually 😉

  12. Gina
    27 April 2008 / 2:16 am

    I really love Cydwog shoes. They have a slightly “organic” look and feel that sets them apart. Those flats are spectacular.

  13. materfamilias
    27 April 2008 / 3:29 pm

    Thanks Gina. I wore them last night and they’re great to walk in as well.

  14. Anonymous
    28 April 2008 / 5:06 am

    I think you’ll be happier in Paris with your flats. I bought some Cydwoq pumps (grey hair calf devore) with the little bronze heel and the same looking last. The sole flexes when you walk – very comfortable for short distances but after a trip miscalculation that had me walking 2km, I have terrible arch and calf pain.
    But no blisters!
    I got mine at Goody Too Shoes in Mission and I will definitely be going back for more. I want the boots.

  15. materfamilias
    28 April 2008 / 5:48 am

    Vivienne: Sounds as if you have some sophisticated shoe-shopping out in Mission. Thanks for validating my shoe choice although I have to admit I’m still thinking of the sandals (went and visited them yesterday!). I walked very comfortably in them last night about 1.5 km each way.
    And ah yes, the boots . . . sigh!

  16. Anonymous
    30 April 2008 / 8:45 pm

    Those flats sure are cool, although I can see the temptation of the sandals too. They look great for Paris (oooh I’m soo jealous!). I tend to like flats when doing a lot of walking but a bit of heel is nicer if I am standing a great deal so I tend to alternate (of course that is much harder on the shoe budget).

  17. materfamilias
    1 May 2008 / 12:44 am

    Mardel: Thanks, I like a mix as well, and I’m still trying to figure a way to get the sandals included in the budget. I do have a birthday coming up soon . . .

  18. Anonymous
    28 June 2009 / 3:44 pm

    Hi i found your blog looking for Cydwoq Dust. How did they work out for Paris? The site showing their golden color the best doesn't have them anymore. Just curious…are they realy crackled? did they start losing more of the gold as you wore them? I realy want a pair but cannot picture how the color looks. Thanks so much 🙂

  19. materfamilias
    28 June 2009 / 10:46 pm

    Anonymous: Welcome! Nice to have new visitors to the site. As for the Cydwoq shoes, the finish has worn very well — they're more an antiqued kind of finish rather than being at all patenty-gold. Crackled, as you say, and they haven't lost the gold much at all. I'm not quite as keen about how the heel lasts and haven't yet tried to find a cobbler who can restore it, but I was told when I bought them that they could recommend someone. Hope you find and enjoy a pair.


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