Le Slouch is going to Paris

Last year, when we visited Paris, Jennifer, the very warm co-owner ofHôtel Résidence Les Gobelins, lent us a book about day outings from Paris, short trips which would get us out of the city but could be done in a day or a weekend. When we got home, we found that Paul had inadvertently packed the book, thinking it was mine. Knowing Jennifer was probably looking for the book to share with other guests, I mailed it back as quickly as possibly, accompanying the note of apology with a pair of socks I’d knit. Jennifer apparently loved the socks which kept her feet warm last winter, and she seems to have forgiven me for the book mishap (well, really it’s Paul who needs to be forgiven, but I guess he gets credit for having good taste in wives!).

Anyway, when Jennifer discovered my blog several weeks ago, she noticed some photos of Le Slouch berets I’d made (from Knit and Tonic Wendy’s free pattern), and she e-mailed to ask if I’d knit her one, any colour, any stash yarn I had. Well, if you could knit a beret and you had a favourite Parisien hotelier asking for one, what would you do? I thought so! Me too. Here it is, and I’m so very pleased with how it turned out (my favourite yet) that I think I’m going to make another. This one has only a very modest amount of “slouch,” and I think I’ll make the next one a bit slouchier. I love the way this mohair blend works up, especially in the seed stitch. The yarn is left over from a cabled sweater I made several years ago, and I have no ball bands left to remember what it is. I’m going into my LYS this week, though, and I’m quite sure Lynnette or Emily will be able to tell me exactly, and then I’ll come back and tell you. Meanwhile, here’s a close-up of the very satisfying texture.

My plan is to make the slouchier beret before we leave and bring both to Paris for Jennifer to choose from. Then next winter, Jennifer and I will be wearing sister berets across the Atlantic.

So there were socks that I knit walking around in Paris last winter, and next winter there’ll be a beret que j’ai tricoté hanging out there as well. Très cool, n’est-ce pas?


  1. Anonymous
    30 April 2008 / 2:19 am

    You really look good in that beret. Such a nice colour on you.
    Jennifer is very lucky to be getting one and the beret(as well as you) is very lucky to be going to Paris. How many sleeps?

  2. Susan B
    30 April 2008 / 3:25 am

    That blue in the hat really plays up your blue eyes! Lovely piece!

  3. materfamilias
    30 April 2008 / 3:40 am

    Hil: Do you think my beret’s going ’round saying to any other berets it finds in the closet “I’m going to Pa-ris, I’m going to Pa-ris!”?? We are both lucky, you’re right! 22 more sleeps. not that anyone’s counting . . .
    Pseu: Thanks — it’s surprising how blue it makes me eyes appear. They’re actually blue-grey-green, but mostly green-ish.

  4. Anonymous
    30 April 2008 / 6:31 am

    Oh la la! Très belle! Has put me right in the mood for my hike this morning – I go with a bunch of French ladies (my neighbour is French). Patricia

  5. indigo16
    30 April 2008 / 2:59 pm

    I agree, tres chic and wonderful to be asked.

  6. Gina
    30 April 2008 / 3:39 pm

    I’m quite sure that Le Slouch is egging on all of the other berets with taunts of going to Paris! It is such a great color for you — your eyes are jumping out! I think Jennifer will be most thrilled.

  7. jillian
    30 April 2008 / 4:12 pm

    It’s gorgeous! How nifty that she asked you.

  8. La Belette Rouge
    30 April 2008 / 4:33 pm

    I know I am repeating what has already been said–but, that blue is brilliant with your eyes. Wow! Gorgeous.

  9. Thomas
    30 April 2008 / 5:00 pm

    I want to go to Paris. I really, really want to go.

    I also want to be able to knit berets. Suddenly sewing pyjama pants seems so last week.

  10. materfamilias
    30 April 2008 / 5:01 pm

    Alison and Jillian: I know, isn’t it fun that she asked? She prefaced the request by saying she knew it was cheeky, but I was tickled (might have felt differently if she’d asked for a sweater!)
    Gina: Exactly — you have the same weird imagination about the beret.
    LBR: I’m surprised how the blue pops my eye colour — makes me think I should be getting more wear out of the sweater I made from the same yarn

  11. materfamilias
    30 April 2008 / 5:07 pm

    Thomas: You know that stupid Winners commercial? You should go? You should go!
    As for the beret-knitting, you really should check out Jared’s site at Brooklyn Tweed for what’s available in men’s knitting. His aesthetic and his photography skills — very impressive.

  12. materfamilias
    1 May 2008 / 12:42 am

    Patricia: Not sure how I missed your comment, but belated thanks. Hope you enjoyed your randonnée with your French friends.

  13. Anonymous
    1 May 2008 / 9:12 am

    I’ve got to add to all the comments about how the colour really brings out your eyes – if you could break the bad news to the beret its not going to France – you should keep it.

  14. Anonymous
    1 May 2008 / 1:26 pm

    I just have to thank you for adding to my French vocabulary – I had to look up ‘randonnée! However, I saw it means
    ‘promenade’, whereas this is a full-fledged hike up and down the Buda hills, almost 4 hours. I don’t mind telling you that afterwards I’m usually on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon! Patricia P.S. Did you know you got a mention on the site for Aimee’s cafe? Go to the menu and you’ll find someone has mentioned your blog in a comment!

  15. materfamilias
    1 May 2008 / 4:11 pm

    Cybill: I’ve already decided to make one of these, in the same colour, for moi, so Mme. Beret does not have to unpack her bags.
    Patricia: I meant more of a grande randonnée — we did one of those, a walking tour, I guess you could say, through the Auvergne many years ago. Some was walking, but some was definitely hiking, with packs and all, through that central hilly/plateau — 150+ kms over a week, and we were definitely lying on a couch by day’s end each day!
    I’ve looked on Aimee’s cafe site and can’t see the ref you mean, but I’ve chatted with her and been mentioned in posts on her main site. Can’t wait to check out the cafe.

  16. Jennifer P
    2 May 2008 / 12:25 pm

    Hadn’t checked the blog for a while (very busy here at the R de G) and was sooo thrilled to see photo of my Slouch. Not going to be coy and say ‘you shouldn’t have’ ! Its beautiful and can t wait to be sauntering down Avenue des Gobelins (even if its 35°)
    I think I’ll be buying you more than a glass of wine this trip!
    Merci Merci et A Bientôt (not long now)

  17. Anonymous
    8 January 2010 / 3:53 am

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  18. girlcook
    31 January 2011 / 7:19 am

    I covet this chapeau

  19. materfamilias
    31 January 2011 / 4:44 pm

    you only have to ask . . . oh, I get it, you are!


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