Hey Sis!

Happy 40th Birthday to my Baby Sister, Kathy. One of the wonders of aging is the amazing rapidity with which little ones grow up. I clearly remember my baby sister singing, pitch-perfect, at three, mimicking favourite songs and toothpaste commercials. Soon, she was admiring, then baby-sitting my own kids (there’s only 8 years difference between her and my oldest, less than there is between Kathy and me). Now I’ve been watching her children gallop through the years (I wished her oldest, my niece, a sweet sixteenth last month), and here’s Kathy arriving at 40. I couldn’t be more impressed by her — she’s warm, bright, witty, and a very competent mother of four — she drives kids here, there, and everywhere, works full-time, manages her son’s hockey team and then some, and keeps my mom organized and entertained as well. Hope you get looked after on your special day, Kathy — love you!

And my other little sister completed the Boston Marathon this year. I don’t need to be so specific about her age in public, but let’s just say she’s just squeaked into the Master’s category (41-45!). She qualified for Boston years ago, couldn’t go at the time, and has been trying to re-qualify for the last few years. It’s a huge goal to have achieved, and I hope you can now relax and enjoy some of what Boston has to offer. Good for you, Hilary!


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