knitting up some colour — tulips and cables

Looking over my past few posts, I wonder how I can expect readers to return if I persist in showing them fog, fog, and more fog. So let’s change it up a bit and bring in some colour here: what about, for example, another tulip cardigan (by Dream in Colour yarns, kit provided by Lettuce Knit in Toronto), finally ready to give to Lily-Anne, born back in November, but thankfully not growing too rambunctiously. I made a tulip last year and you can check out these posts for a record of my progress, including some errors, as well as for a cute photo of a little person inhabiting the sweater.

Since I’ve already posted photos of a tulip cardigan, I thought I’d have to do something extra this time around, so I’ve had a bit of fun, punching up the sweater’s colours with even more brightness. Really, Dream in Colour does an amazing job with their hand-dyed colours and this merino washes up to be so squooshy and soft, with lots of body.
I have yet another kit for one more Tulip Cardigan — my plan is to have one Tulip and one Rocketryso that when the next baby comes along, I can just go to my closet and haul out the perfect gift, whether it’s a girl or a boy. Just my luck that the first two babies to come along since my plan was formulated happened to be girls. And yes, theoretically, we should be beyond worrying about gender-appropriate colours, but I’ve found that many people aren’t there yet and since I want the muggles to appreciate and use my knitting . . .

Since we’ve moved from fog into colour, would you believe that I’ve got my knitting outside and I’m working from the deck chair? Well, you’re right — that would be a chilly few minutes, and probably a damp few as well since rain’s forecast. But there’s some good daylight, and I like the weathered teak as a backdrop. Here’s my Project Spectrum knitting project, the Here and There Cables Scarf by Norah Gaughan from Interweave’s ScarfStyle. I’m knitting it in Handmaiden’s Camelspin (a blend of camelhair and silk) in the Sangria colourway and despite having had to rip my first attempt at the second cable, I’ve got the pattern figured out now and I’m having fun with it. Six rows of a 3×3 ribbing with a slightly complicated twisted cable on the seventh row. Because of the odd-numbered repeat, the cabling begins first on one side, then the other, so that the scarf is completely reversible.

This is where I made my error, actually, missing my row count so that I was twisting the same cable the second repeat, and leaving a stockinette panel untwisted in between. Once I realized what I’d done, I’ve started using a stitch marker to remind me which side row 1 started on for each new pattern. Seems to be working so far, and I anticipate making quick progress on this. Two birds with one stone, as this will be not only a Project Spectrum knit with its gorgeous rich reds, pinks, and hints-of-orange, but it also lets me cross some stash off my Mission: Possible list.

Would you like to see it a bit closer in?
How about closer still? Interesting how much the colour changes in this shot — It’s actually almost exactly as it appears in the photos above.


  1. paris parfait
    23 February 2008 / 9:30 am

    What wonderful presents! That red is gorgeous – amazing how the colours appear to change in the close-up. I like the contrast of the red against the pale wood. (And thanks for your lovely comments; much appreciated). xo

  2. Puttermeister
    24 February 2008 / 5:56 pm

    You know, I’ve looked through that book a bunch of times and that particular scarf never quite caught my eye–until today. The colors you chose really make it pop!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.