Bloggers who Make My Day — and some knitting besides

Even the sunny promise of my shiny new shoeswasn’t enough to ward off the cold that began threatening this week, and after dragging myself through class yesterday (so grateful for groupwork and videos!), I’m in pyjamas today sipping Neo-Citran. But I happily admit that I am not the kind of ill that precludes reading or knitting or catch-up blogging.
First, having been hugely cheered and gratified by Jillian over at Sknitty conferring on me the You Make My Day award, it’s time for me to pass it along to some blogs that regularly Make My Day, and that I think are worth checking out.

Although she didn’t blog much through December and January, PutYourFlareOn seems to be hitting her posting stride again now. I like her blog not only for the taste it gives me of life in Paris but also because, with my own kids long grown, I find it encouraging to watch a young mom living through those difficult and wonderful child-rearing years with thoughtful enthusiasm. Her photography inspires me as well.

I’ve been checking out Eric’s Paris DailyPhotofor over two years now, and he never fails to make my day. It’s also fun to follow the comments and see what a community he’s built at his site.

Another Paris blog that makes my day is Tara’s Paris Parfait which regularly features wonderful photos of Paris windows as well as photos of Tara’s fabulous collectibles. Tara’s a talented thoughtful writer as well with political convictions that keep her readers aware and challenged about global events.

Not necessarily a Paris blogger, but a blogger who shares my love of Paris and who blogs inspiringly about “a delicious life after 50” is my internet friend, Une Femme D’Un Certain Age. She, too, makes my day on a regular basis.

As does IndigoAlison, who teaches art in London, and regularly widens my horizons. She also shares my (and Une Femme’s) interest in finding stylish clothes appropriate to a woman with some life experience.

And as for widening my horizons, I am grateful to Thomas at The Sunday Best for mixing it up, offering fashion, music, magazines, art perhaps aimed at a younger audience/clientele but worth at least being aware of as the world around me evolves.

Café Mode, l’oeil d’une parisienne makes my day often, not only because of her sharp photographer’s eye for street fashion, but because she provides me with a fun way to keep my reading French fresh (and I mean fresh — she writes an English-sparked street-savvy French that I never learned from Mrs. Parker!). Brilliant film reviews with still after still of luscious stylish images.

And, of course, the knitting blogs. So many to choose from, so many that I enjoy daily. Besides Jillian, at Sknitty, who I will refrain from giving the award right back to, but who makes me day so often, I’m going to choose Gina at LaLaLumayLand, partly because I enjoy her blog, but also because I’ve come to enjoy our correspondence over mutual postings. Similarly, Puttermeister, who has been posting much less recently, but whose posts are often ever-so-thought-provoking, well-edited pieces, almost miniature essays combining knitting with reading or thinking about life (her latest piece, for example, is titled Revenge of the Proustian Socks). And one more will make ten. Hmmmm, let’s see. I think I’ll pick Blue Garter, even though I notice that she’s already received the award. She writes well, always a nice mix of the personal with some knitting inspiration and some eye candy photography.

So there you have it: 10 Blogs that Make My Day. Should any of the recipients like, feel free to pass this Award along — Make Someone’s Day.

And since I’m home sick (not a sick day, though, since I’m on my own time, classes for the week being over) with some time available, I’ve pulled my knitting out onto the deck and found a small pool of weak sunlight. Just so you know that knitting is happening, here is the back of my Dollar and a Half, the lace decreases being so far much less complicated than I’d thought from reading some of the posts on the KAL site (perhaps because of the Sirdar Lacy Cardigan I made last summer, similar techniques required).

Here is the Tulip Cardigan which needs the other front side edged and then an attached i-cord knit all ’round before I knit up the wee sleeves. A few hours’ work if I just get ’round to it.

First, though, I’m going to finish another Legwarmer to match this one for my daughter. It would be good if she got to wear it this winter just in case she decides to head for some place warmer next year (girl’s a wanderer!)

Now back to that big comfy chair with the fuzzy throw and Timothy Taylor’s Story House.


  1. paris parfait
    1 February 2008 / 9:31 pm

    Oh thank you – an honour to be among such fine company! And congrats to you for your much-deserved recognition! Will try to do my bit in response to this at the weekend. Merci bien! And you’ve made my day with this! 🙂

  2. Uma por Dia
    1 February 2008 / 9:46 pm

    Hello mater, thanks for visiting Lisbon blog. here are some information about the Trams for you to enjoy:

  3. Susan B
    1 February 2008 / 11:11 pm

    Wow, thank you! I’m thrilled to be included among those wonderful blogs!

  4. Gina
    2 February 2008 / 2:56 am

    Thank you! Thank you!

  5. Café Mode
    3 February 2008 / 11:53 pm

    Thank you so much!

  6. Anonymous
    14 February 2008 / 11:24 pm

    A little late but thank you! I’m doing my rounds when I should be sleeping to all the blogs I have been missing out on.

    I have to say that if I could nominate a commenter on my blog for the same award, I would nominated you. Your comments are always so thoughtful and mean a lot to me. I know you’ve been reading my blog for some time as I can tell by your comments when you refer back to things that happened ages ago. Thank you for reading and now I have your blog in my bloglines, FINALLY! And I won’t miss out on another word.

    I see shoes on your blog… off to drool over them now.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.