someday coherence?

Reading Laurie Ricou’s Salal: Listening for the Northwest Understory, I find this quotation from poet and essayist Kim Stafford’s book The Muses Among Us: “coherence is born of random abundance” (31).

Random abundance! I love this term. Dare I claim that this is what’s happening here on my blog, random abundance, and dare I hope that among it all, coherence may be gestating?

Coming soon: Photos of the completed Koolhaas hat.

1 Comment

  1. Miss Ripley
    16 January 2008 / 5:46 am

    I look forward to seeing your completed Koolhaas, as I slog my way through the first pattern repeat on mine! It’s too soon for me to be able to see if what I’m doing looks like it’s supposed to. Right now, it’s knitting by faith over here.


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