Happy Birthday, Rhiannon

Happy Birthday to my lovely daughter, Rhiannon, who besides looking very good in hats is also feisty, smart, sensitive, thoughtful, funny, loyal, and often fierce!

Rhiannon often reminds me (altho’ I don’t tell her so for fear of being tiresome!) of the two-year old who persevered and persevered to get on the tin can stilts and walk with them. She can also remind me of the five-year-old my sister once swore must have been taking cute lessons on the side. Sometimes she’s so sensitive it can break my heart, especially when she phones me about a hurt my magic wand can’t fix. Sometimes, when I say the wrong thing and annoy her, I’m forced to reluctantly acknowledge having told my friend Margaret determinedly, “I’m not afraid of Rhiannon, I’m not afraid of Rhiannon” (an anecdote Margaret wisely suspected might be a useful benchmark for her own eventual dealings with a strong-willed teen). I don’t know how well I faked it back then, but when the girl’s angry, stand back!
Moms should be careful how much they say about their daughters in a public forum such as a blog, so that’s probably enough. To my lively, engaging, fun lunch companion and prime sushi buddy, Happy Birthday, sweetie, and have a great day!


  1. Thomas
    10 January 2008 / 12:24 am

    That girl is so knitsta!

  2. materfamilias
    10 January 2008 / 3:25 pm

    Thomas, you may have coined a new term — love it! I’ll pass your assessment along to the birthday girl.

  3. Thomas
    10 January 2008 / 8:24 pm

    I must admit that term is already taken by urban knitting graffiti artists…

  4. materfamilias
    11 January 2008 / 1:05 am

    see, this is why I read you — tobiko sushi and men’s shoes and urban knitting graffiti artists — what don’t you know about!?

  5. Rhiannon
    11 January 2008 / 2:41 am

    mom, you almost made me cry! almost. but, i guess that’s b/c i’m so sensitive. thank you for such nice words and such a nice lunch. and, the awesome bracelet.

  6. Anonymous
    11 January 2008 / 4:29 am

    Happy Birthday Rhiannon,
    You look beautiful (guess you’re
    well past the cute stage)


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