clear and cold here, but lighter

It’s cold here on the West Coast: seven degrees below zero, Celsius, last night, so the plumbing was carefully monitored. Taps came on with no problem this morning, always a relief (what we take for granted, no?), but I notice that the goldfish in my pond are locked in by ice. Indeed, when we took our little ferry across the harbour yesterday, we were breaking a thin layer of saltwater ice — that only happens very occasionally. But cold like this is generally accompanied here by very clear skies and last night’s full moon was wickedly beautiful. My walk to school will be cold, but I’ll be dry and enjoy the sunshine.

I took the photo above at about 7:15 this morning and while it was not yet light, it wasn’t dark anymore either. In fact, official sunrise time this morning, according to the Weather Office of the Government of Canada, was 8:00. Early last week, it was 8:11, so we’re moving in the right direction — light is coming! spring is on its way.

In the meantime, just to keep us all happy, here’s a little smile courtesy of Misstic, a well-known graffiti artist (among other things — it’s really worth checking out her website) working in Paris. Her art pops up all over the city and I began collecting photos of it last trip and hope to continue this in the spring. I particularly enjoy this work, found outside a gallery wall somewhere near Montmartre — at least, I remember finding it as we walked back from Montmatre, perhaps somewhere around the Place Pigalle. The sentiment of leaving Lacan his lacunas appeals to me, having wrestled considerably with Monsieur Lacan’swork in the process of my dissertation.


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