Shoes in the Garden

It’s Wednesday again, which means I rushed home, grabbed my camera, and got some shoe shots for you. In the column to the right of this post, I’m going to set up a little poll to see if you’re beginning to find My Shoes Wednesday a bit old, or if you’d like to see how much longer I can keep finding shoes in the back of my closet. (And if you do like the feature and want to see some older posts, I’ve got a set of links in the column on the right.) Meanwhile, I do have another pair that I love, especially since the heeled oxford seems to be a big hit this fall and my pair are 5 or 6 years old! I’d buy them again tomorrow if I saw them, but I’ve already had years since I first spotted them in a shop window in one of those twisty little streets in Quebec City. We were fortunate enough to be staying up the hill in the Chateau Frontenac where Paul was at a meeting, so I made a mental map so as to be able to find the store again (with more success than when I tried to get back to a certain shoe store in Paris), and I went back the next day to try them on. They had my size, I put them on and loved them, and we’ve been together ever since. Check out the cool stitching — they remind me of the leatherwork that was so popular in the late 60s/early 70s. And you can’t see clearly here, but where the horizontal pieces overlap (with the daisies in their centre), they leave little cut-outs where the foot peeps through.

I probably should have gotten in a bit closer for you to see the detail of the heels — they’re stacked for a classic but funky look, in my opinion. And see how they just want to walk — They’re by a company called Joe Sanchez and inside they say “Keep on Walking.” I’m not going to claim they’re wonderfully comfortable — you’d look at the heel and know I’d be lying — but they’re not bad at all. Above all, even if these shoes are out walking in the garden, they are truly a fall shoe, and wearing them this week meant I was really acknowledging the season. In fact, I’m almost ready to embrace it, not just acknowledge it. After all, look at some of these colours:

A miscanthus in its full autumn glorySedum spectabile ‘Autumn splendour’ — I’ve been waiting years for mine to finally put on a good show — this year they’re making me very happy — that’s the gentian sage providing the spark of blue in the lower left.

And another plant that’s finally hit that maturity point where it’s beginning to do what I hoped. Parthenocissus tricuspidata, aka Boston ivy, but I’m not sure which one, and haven’t got the time right now to look it up — sorry! It’s just beginning to turn and I hope it will flame red all the way up that trunk


  1. Susan B
    27 September 2007 / 2:48 am

    Parthenocissus tricuspidata, aka Boston Ivy. One of my faves, but it doesn’t get cold enough here to for this to thrive or put on a colorful display.

    Love those shoes!

  2. Bronwen
    27 September 2007 / 5:13 am

    cute shoes! i love how timeless they look. I think your shoes wednesday is great, but am wondering how much longer you can keep it up (ie how big *is* your shoe closet??). but perhaps I’m underestimating you?

  3. dana
    27 September 2007 / 9:58 pm

    Don’t quit on accounta me. I just bought a completely unnecessary pair of boots (on sale) that I’ve coveted for years (two years). I am justifying new purchases through my recent banning of heels and donating all casualities to my babysitters.

    Is anyone else having trouble getting through to Manolo?! I’m bereft!

  4. materfamilias
    28 September 2007 / 3:00 am

    deja: thanks for the info. I’ll add that up above.
    Bronwen: well, if I run out, maybe you could do some guest posting for me — you’ve got some cool shoes?!
    Dana: Yes, what’s happened to Manolo — some kind of technical difficulties — bereft is right!
    I’d love to hear more about those boots and how sweet they must feel after two years of delaying the gratification of bootlust. And I bet you’ve got some happy sitters!


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