Mermaids, frotteurs, and a very cute Ava

Isn’t this a stunning sculpture in a breathtaking setting? Actually, I think she’d be even more swimmingly suited to our waterfront patio, but the $10,500 price tag is a bit steep, altho’ Caroline is certainly worth it if you have the money. The sculpture is by Lawrence Cormierand the breathtaking setting is courtesy of Red Rooster Winery. She has a nearby companion, similarly nude, who I’ll show you in the next few days, and it’s interesting to see what giggling fools nudity can still reduce so many North Americans to. Or perhaps just North American wine tourists, although you’d think the wine appreciation and an ability to be in the presence of nude art without going prepubescent might go hand in hand. Paul did observe one young man, part of a trio of dreadlocked Quebecois youth, probably in the Okanagan fruit-picking, who strolled past nonchalantly but reached out as he passed the well-endowed mermaid to pat her frontal attributes. I wonder if many passers-by give in to such a temptation and I wonder if the metal will eventually acquire a patina or shine as has the engorged crotch areaof Victor Noir’sstatue in the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris. Apparently, because of the trauma of his manner of death and the resultant rush of blood to what the Wikipedia entry delicately calls his “privates,” Noir’s dead body, sculpted by Jules Dalou, is marked by a protuberance which has invited scores of visitors to stroke it (many of these women in search of a transferred fertility — some have even been known to mount it!). In fact,a BBC storynotes that a fence was erected (the word seems appropriate) to prevent further damage to the statue, although the Wikipedia entry has the fence taken down later in response to protests. Later this week, I’ll show you another picture of a sculpture connected with crotch injury and news stories. And my daughter thought this was just a knitting blog! (Hi, Rhiannon)

But I do try to include some knitting for those not interested in mermaids and crotches. I seamed and blocked my lacy hemp cardigan last night and hope it will dry by Saturday so I can get someone to photograph me in it. For now, here’s a preview in form of the Sirdar pattern image. I found this on the web and it’s not a very clear picture, obviously, but you get the idea.

And here’s another FO, this one completed and gifted back in January when wee Ava (an FO in her own sweet way) was born to my daughter’s best friend, Caitlin, whom I’ve known since the girls were in Grade 5 or 6 and whom I had the joy to teach in a 4th-year BC literature class a few years ago. The sweater is size 6-12 months, knit in Sirdar Denim Tweed DK from an apparently discontinued Sirdar pattern book, Babies in Denim. It’s a pattern I’ve knit three or four times now, but I’ve never had a picture of the recipient in one of them — perhaps because I’ve previously given them in a larger size and by the time they fit, mom’s forgotten and wouldn’t have time for photograph sessions anyway. I’m so pleased that Caitlin took the time to dress Ava in a sweater on a summer day (judging by the cuff length, it’s going to fit her this fall and winter) — she managed to take the photograph while holding Ava, hence the slightly awkward position — thanks Ava and Caitlin!

I’m making good progress on another Dream in Colour baby cardigan, working on the Icarus Shawl miles of stocking stitch, finishing off a pair of socks, ignoring the Reversible Cable shawl, and thinking about casting on for the Montego Bay scarf. So check this space soon for more fun!


  1. Puttermeister
    27 July 2007 / 4:49 pm

    Glad to know Buffy lives on in other academic houses–thanks for the comment.

    What a wonderful, varied blog you have. Wine, travel, and knits galore –and it’s nice to see so many new-to-me patterns here. The baby sweater is gorgeous.

  2. girlcook
    29 July 2007 / 6:09 am

    that sweater looks beautiful on Ava!


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